MTI Bible College

Helping Ordinary People Fulfill Extraordinary Dreams.

MTI Bible College

Helping Ordinary People Fulfill Extraordinary Dreams.
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Training and Equipping
Five-fold Ministry Church Leaders Pastors

• Local Church Based

We believe the local church is crucial in training and discipling its members for ministry. We partner with the local church to provide curriculum that will help produce trained disciples. By partnering with the local church, churches are able to host trainings from their facilities. This allows multiple members from the same church to be trained in biblical theology and practical ministry.

“Go therefore and make disciples…” – Matthew 28:20

• Proven Curriculum

We use a proven but flexible curriculum that has been training leaders for over 40 years! Our classes offer our students a combination of Biblical theology and practical ministry. Our trainings have discipled 100’s of students through the local church. We partner with Vision international University in Ramona, CA and International College of Ministry in Orlando, FL for our advanced degree programs. Our Associates Degree in Ministry will train and equip people in the Local Church in the Scriptures and in practical ministry.

 “…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” – Matthew 28:20

• Global Vision

We are currently operating in local churches in 6 countries around the world. Our desire is for this training to impact every nation for the sake of spreading the Gospel. Our trainings are not only used by churches in the United States, but also throughout the world. We have had students in Lebanon, Brazil, Turkey, Cypress, and Nigeria. Our desire is for this ministry to spread throughout the world so more are equipped for the ministry of the Gospel. We have additionally seen many missionaries emerge from our programs to spread the Gospel throughout the world.

 “…make disciples of all nations.” – Matthew 28:19

“‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’”
Acts 1:8



Bible Study Principles

A very practical course on how to correctly apply Biblical Hermeneutics using the “Ten Commandments” of Bible study. The students will use these very practical principles over and over again throughout the life of their ministry.

Life of Christ 1 - 8

The full life of Jesus studied from a ministerial perspective using a Harmony of the Gospels. This is one of the most dynamic courses within the curriculum. You will walk with Jesus in ministry from his birth to resurrection. You will complete this course feeling like you were one of Jesus’ twelve! The student will be required to purchase a textbook for this course: “A Harmony of the Gospels” by A. T. Robertson

Bible Survey

An overview of all of the 66 books of the Bible.  Included in the overview is a study of the inter-biblical history between the Old and New Testaments

Blood Covenant

The teaching of blood covenant is key to understanding our relationship to Jesus Christ. This course is based upon the timeless truth of Blood Covenant as presented in the Bible. “Blood Covenant” is the key to understanding the purpose of the Bible. One’s first lesson in Scripture should be that of redemption, you must be born again. The second lesson I would teach would be that of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. This gives the believer the “ability,” the overcoming power of the Christian life. The third Bible lesson I would teach would be that of Blood Covenant.

Five-fold Ministry

This course will help you to recognize and implement the five-fold ministry within the church. You will find your place within this God given framework of government and ministry for the New Testament. The lessons will bring a fresh understanding to the offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher established by the Lord Jesus in Ephesians 4:11.

Bible Types and Numbers

A balanced study in the application of biblical typology. A special emphasis is given to the types in the Tabernacle of Moses. “Types” are a common teaching tool in the Word of God. They are often a real key to understanding certain New Testament truths, e.g., Jesus as the “Lamb of God” or “as Moses lifted up the serpent so shall the Son of Man be lifted up.”

Our Full List Of Cirriculum


BAS-101 – Bible Geography: A fundamental course that will familiarize the student with the Biblical lands. We will study the journeys of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul.

BAS-102 – Bible Survey: An overview of all of the 66 books of the Bible. Included in the overview is a study of the inter-biblical history between the Old and New Testaments.

BAS-103 – Bible Study Principles: A very practical course on how to correctly apply Biblical Hermeneutics using the “Ten Commandments” of Bible study. The students will use these very practical principles over and over again throughout the life of their ministry.

BAS-104- Blood Covenant: Teaching the key to understanding our relationship to Jesus Christ based upon the timeless truth of Blood Covenant as presented in the Bible.

BAS-105- Spiritual Authority: The most essential need within the Church and ministry today, taught in a life changing format. This was originally an 8-hour course but has been expanded to 16 because of the extreme importance it will have to your life and ministry. Your life will be challenged and changed!

BAS-106 – Foundations of Prayer: An essential understanding of the place of prayer in the ministry, helping the student to understand the purpose of prayer, the different types of prayer and the mechanics of prayer.


BAS-101 – Bible Geography: A fundamental course that will familiarize the student with the Biblical lands. We will study the journeys of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul.

BAS-102 – Bible Survey: An overview of all of the 66 books of the Bible. Included in the overview is a study of the inter-biblical history between the Old and New Testaments.

BAS-103 – Bible Study Principles: A very practical course on how to correctly apply Biblical Hermeneutics using the “Ten Commandments” of Bible study. The students will use these very practical principles over and over again throughout the life of their ministry.

BAS-104- Blood Covenant: Teaching the key to understanding our relationship to Jesus Christ based upon the timeless truth of Blood Covenant as presented in the Bible.

BAS-105- Spiritual Authority: The most essential need within the Church and ministry today, taught in a life changing format. This was originally an 8-hour course but has been expanded to 16 because of the extreme importance it will have to your life and ministry. Your life will be challenged and changed!

BAS-106 – Foundations of Prayer: An essential understanding of the place of prayer in the ministry, helping the student to understand the purpose of prayer, the different types of prayer and the mechanics of prayer.


BAS-107 -Foundations for Discerning the Will of God: A unique study of I&II Samuel, based on the lives of Samuel, Saul and David, that teaches you how to find and stay in God’s perfect will. You will find this course to be a very practical guide that you will use for the rest of your ministerial life.

BAS-108 – Foundations for the Christian Family: This course teaches fundamental principles and practical solutions for every aspect of the Christian home.

BAS-109 – Foundations of Faith: One of the best foundational teachings on faith that exists. Taught in the context of Hebrews chapter 11, you will learn the definition of faith and then proceed to the operation of faith as exemplified in the lives of the patriarchs.

BAS-110 – Foundations of Deliverance: An in-depth study in the Gospel of Mark emphasizing the principles and methods of deliverance used by Jesus.

BAS-111 – Foundations of Healing: An in-depth preparation for the ministry of healing. Does Jesus still heal today? Why doesn’t everyone get healed? Answers to these and many more questions.

BAS-112 – Foundations of Counseling: Applying the Gifts of the Spirit to the ministry of counseling. This course is full of practical application and wisdom gained through many years counseling experience.


The Life of Christ Series: This is one of the most dynamic courses within the curriculum.  You will walk with Jesus in ministry from John’s description of Him as the preincarnate Son of God in John 1:1 to His birth, death and resurrection.  You will complete this course feeling like you were one of Jesus’ twelve!

BIB-250a – The Life of Christ I:  The full life of Jesus studied from a ministerial perspective using a harmony of the Gospels. In this first of a series, we begin with John’s introduction of the preexistent Christ, a comparison of the two genealogies of Christ, the birth and childhood of John and Jesus, the visits of the shepherds and the Magi, the flight to Egypt and return to Nazareth, the beginning of John the Baptist’s and Jesus’ ministries, the forty days of temptation, the miracle of water into wine in Cana, the encounter with Nicodemus, the calling of His first disciples and the encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.

BIB-250b – The Life of Christ II:  In this course we continue with Jesus in His first campaign throughout Galilee.  We will see a healing in Cana, His rejection in Nazareth, the full time calling of Peter, Andrew, James & John, the deliverance of a demoniac and the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law in Capernaum, the healing of a leper, the calling of Matthew, the healing of a lame man on the sabbath, the choosing of the twelve and the beginning of the “Sermon on the Mount” with the Beatitudes.

BIB-250c – The Life of Christ III: The continuation of the “Sermon on the Mount,”  the healing of the Centurions servant, the resurrection of the widow’s son, John the Baptist imprisoned and executed, another tour of Galilee, the blasphemous accusation of Beelzebub, the Parables of the Kingdom, the calming of the storm, the encounter with the Gerasene demoniac, the healing of Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the issue of blood, the woes declared upon the unrepentant cities and Jesus’ call to “Come unto me.”

BIB-250d – The Life of Christ IV: Again, Jesus calms a storm on the Sea of Galilee, He gives the great discourse on being the “Bread of Life,” His disciples are accused of being ceremonially unclean by the Pharisees, He journeys to the region of Tyre and Sidon, teaches the disciples a lesson by healing the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter, here we see the feeding of the “four thousand,” Jesus is being constantly harassed by the Pharisees, He heals a blind man in Bethsaida, at Caesarea Phillipi He asks the disciples who men say that he is, He foretells His death, burial and resurrection and rebukes Peter’s unbelief, Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James and John on the mount, coming down the mount He encounters a demon possessed boy and delivers him, He again foretells His coming death, pays the Temple tax with a miraculous fishing trip and much more!

BIB-250e – The Life of Christ V We start off this section of the series learning the process of how to deal with a brother that is in sin, we learn the cost of being a disciple, Jesus takes the disciples through the forbidden territory of Samaria on his way to the Feast of Tabernacles, at the feast Jesus declares the He is the “Living Water,” He has the encounter with the adulterous woman, there He challenges the Pharisees with the saying that “Before Abraham was, I am,” He heals the man born blind, the teaching of the “Good Shepherd,” and the sending of the seventy, the story of the “Good Samaritan, the story of Mary & Martha, Jesus teaches on prayer, He is accused again of being aligned with Beelzebub, He gives the woe’s to the Pharisees and Lawyers, and Jesus warns His disciples that they must pass through a “baptism of suffering.”

BIB-250f – The Life of Christ VI: Jesus begins this part of our series with the same message from the beginning, “Repent or Perish,” to the ire of the Pharisees He heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath that had a “spirit of infirmity” for eighteen years, He attends the Feast of Dedication and then retreats to the region of Perea east of the Jordan, another “Sabbath Day” healing of a man with “dropsy” at a Pharisees house none the less, Jesus responds with three parables about “the lost,” and then three parables on “stewardship,” we get to see the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus takes His last journey through Samaria and Galilee, there is the encounter with the “Rich Young Ruler,” the “Parable of the Vineyard,” the healing of “Blind Bartimaeus,” James and John’s request to sit at His right and left hand, Jesus will dine with Zachaeus and experience the “Triumphal Entry” into Jerusalem.  We now begin the “last week” of the life of Jesus.  There will be the cursing of the “fig tree,” the “cleansing of the Temple,” the many “Challenges” by the Pharisees and religious leaders.


BIB-250g – The Life of Christ VII

BIB-250h – The Life of Christ VII

BIB-201a – The Book of Beginnings I: An Indepth look at creation; the fall of mankind; God’s promise of redemption, the flood, the tower of Babel and the call of Abraham. (Chapters 1-11)

BIB-201b The Book of Beginnings II: An Indepth study of the lives of the Patriarchs, Abraham, Issaac and Jacob.  (Chapters 12-29)

BIB-201c The Book of Beginnings III: An in depth look at the life of Joseph and his journey to becoming the prime minister over all of Egypt.  Chapters (30-50)

BIB-211 – Our Kinsman Redeemer: An exposition of the Book of Ruth teaching the fullness of salvation offered by our redeemer. You will come to a true understanding of Biblical prosperity through the analogies represented in this book.


THE-801a – God’s Plan for Man I:  This is a two-part Systematic Theology course with a new, practical and fresh approach to systematic theology taught within the perspective of the spirit-filled life.  In this first part you will memorize the definitions of our first 58 “Theological Definitions” from our “Theological Glossary of Names and Terms” starting with “Adoption” to “Icticly.”  You will also be required to read Dr. Jim Clark’s book “A Brief Systematic Theology.”  In this first part of the course, we will look at the “Period Before Time,” “The Period Before Adam,” the “Adamic Man,” and the “Christian Man.”  We will lay the foundation for our “Terms of Salvation” with “Election,” “Grace,’ “Revelation,” “Faith.” and “Repentance.”  Then learn the significance of “Lordship,” “Incarnation,” “Blood,” “Sacrifice,” “Atonement,” “Vicarious,” “Representative,” “Propitiation,” “Expiation” and “Ransom.”

THE-801b  God’s Plan for Man II: In this the second part of this Systematic Theology we will continue with the “Terms of Salvation” numbers 16-30 while memorizing the definitions of our last 59 “Theological Definitions” from our “Theological Glossary of Names and Terms” beginning with “Illumination” and ending with “Vicarious.”  We will study the “Spirit Filled Man” with special emphasis on the “Gifts of the Spirit” and on the “Fruit of the Spirit.” After we will study the life of the “Sanctified Man” using Watchman Nee’s classic outline of Ephesians “Sit, Walk, Stand.”

THE-802- Theology of the Fivefold Ministry: This course will help you to recognize and implement the five-fold ministry within the church. You will find your place within this God given framework of government and ministry for the New Testament. The lessons will bring a fresh understanding to the concept of team ministry established by the Lord Jesus in Ephesians 4:11. You will gain a fresh understanding of the offices of the “Apostle,” the “Prophet,” the “Evangelist,” the “Pastor” and the “Teacher.”

THE-803 – Theology of Bible Types & Numbers: A balanced study in the application of biblical typology. A special emphasis given to the types in the Tabernacle of Moses.

THE-804 -The Theology of Salvation: An in-depth study of God’s full plan of salvation as shown in the Book of Romans, Chapters 1-8

THE-805 – The Theology of the Holy Spirit: This study is dedicated to the awareness of the Person of the Holy Spirit. It has been my observation that with all the emphasis that has been placed upon the character and ability of the Holy Spirit in recent decades, it has not proven to be a reality in the daily lifestyle of the Church today.


CHR-401 – The New Testament Study of “Ekklesia”: A word study of the 117 occurrences of the word “ekklesia” or “church” in the New Testament. An eye-opening study of what the Bible says about the “church.”

CHR-402 – Seven-fold Pattern of the Church: The sevenfold pattern of the church as displayed in the first fifteen chapters of the Book of Acts. A veritable “Church Planting Manual,” showing how to start and bring to fruition a New Testament Church today.

CHR-403 – Church Government: A thorough explanation of the New Testament model of Apostolic church government.

CHR-404- The Church in the Wilderness: An exposition of the Book of Numbers showing the plan of God for his church. This course offers an amazing overlay of this Old Testament Book, on the subject of the “church.”

CHR-405- Pastoral Care: The great cry of the church, ministry included, is to have a good and strong pastor. This course is designed to build the personal, spiritual life of the minister as well as his family life and his ministerial responsibilities to the church, equipping him with spiritual depth so he can help others in their hour of need.

CHR-406 – Presbytery & the Prophetic Word: A presentation of the threefold aspect of “presbytery” in the N. T. Church. The course will establish the basic doctrines of the laying on of hands and the restoration of the prophetic voice in the church. A long overlooked essential in the life of the church and the individual believer.


BIB-255- 1 Corinthians: A thorough exposition of 1 Corinthians with a special emphasis on the theme of Sanctification

BIB-256 – Galatians: An in depth look at Paul’s defense of the Gospel of Grace versus the pseudo-gospel of works.

BIB-257 – Ephesians

BIB-258 – Philippians 

BIB-259 – Colossians 

BIB-260 – 1 Thessalonians 


A challenging study of the Book of Revelation using the “Two Vision” method. This course gives the necessary tools for formulating ones eschatology while studying the revelation verse by verse.

BIB-280a Revelation I

BIB-280a Revelation II

BIB-280a Revelation III

BIB-280a Revelation IV

BIB-280a Revelation V

BIB-280a Revelation VI


CHR-407 – Church Financial Management: How to maintain the integrity of the ministry by the Scriptural handling of money in all areas of church life. The student will receive a very practical understanding of church finances and how they work.

CHR-408 – Church Staff Management: Clear spiritual insights to staff relationships on every level. Understanding the “Vision of the House” and how to form a ministerial team.

CHR-409 – Church Ministerial Ethics: An enlightening view of the Godly minister as he relates to the church, his peers and the community.

CHR-410 – Church & Evangelism: Making the local church aware of its responsibilities for evangelism, offering methods and ethics to make evangelism in every area effective with permanent results.

CHR-411 – The Church Worship Service: A practical understanding of how to maintain the flow of the anointing in a church service (praise & worship, preaching of the word, water baptisms, communion, announcements, operation of the gifts, alter call etc.). One of the most important courses taught.

CHR-412 – Praise & Worship: Principles that will give the minister the understanding and ability to lead in, and to see led, praise and worship on a congregational level.

BIB-206 – Victorious Living:  A trilogy of the books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther teaching the truths of the victorious Christian Life.

BIB-207 – Jesus in Isaiah:  This course studies the many references the Prophet Isaiah made to the coming Messiah.  A wonderful course demonstrating the messianic prophetic fulfillment in the Book of Isaiah as well as a rich devotional study.



MTI (Ministers Training Institute) was founded in 1978 by Doctor Jim Clark at New Roads Church in New Roads, LA.  Dr. Clark had a passionate vision for the training and raising up of Five-fold Ministry.  He worked arduously to create a curriculum that would equip a student to be a church leader anywhere in the world!  And this He did leaving a legacy of twenty years of trained MTI students.

After graduating from MTI in 1991, Donnie Shaffer and his wife Sue moved to Brazil and started MTI in Brazil with Project Amazon (A Church Planting organization in Brazil.)  Hundreds of Brazilians have been trained to fulfill their five-fold callings.  In 2002 Donnie & Sue returned to the US and working alongside Dr. Clark reestablished MTI in the fall of 2003.

MTI Bible College continues with its rich tradition of training and equipping Five-fold ministry and developing local church leaders.

Doctor Jim Clark

Donnie Shaffer

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Larry & Rinalda Roquin

Grace Church
Paulina, LA

Mervin & Dasha Strother

Cornerstone Church
Amite, LA

Scott & Gina Franklin

InMotion Church
Thomson, GA

Frank & Tonya Hornsby

Life Church
Jackson, MS

Mike & Miranda Foster

Seekers Point
Hammond, LA

Jimmy & Marlene Babin

New Life Worship Center
New Roads, LA


International Locations

Ben & Patricia Johnson

1040 Hope Ministry
Arabic Speaking Middle East

Ali & Angie Abed

 Hope of Persia Ministry
Farsi Speaking Iran

Josiah & Jennifer Huber

PAZ Church
Kawasaki Japan

Pastor Allan & Ndinawe Silwimba

MTI Director Mountain of God Church
Kabwe, Zambia

Joe & Vanessa Tannous

MTI Abundant Life Church
Beirut, Lebanon

Bishop Ernest & Laika Sitali

Streams of Living Water
Lusaka, Zambia



Brady & Reiley Nunez

Brady’s Testimony:

Brady graduated from MTI Bible College in 2021. Brady is now the Next Generation Pastor at Fellowship Church – Zachary, LA

Cleveland & Alkine Jackson

Clevland’s Testimony: 
Cleveland graduated from MTI Bible College in 2008 Cleveland is now the Senior Pastor of New Directions Church – Addis, LA

Mike & Angie Minnis

Mike’s Testimony:

Mike graduated from MTI Bible College in 2009. Mike now serves as Lead Pastor at Northwood Church Wiggins Campus

Mervin & Dasha Strother

Mervin’s Testimony:

Mervin graduated from MTI in Russia in 1995. Mervin currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church – Amite, LA
Cornerstone Church is also one of our Satellite Campuses for MTI Bible College

Michael & Cynthia Hilton

Michael & Cynthia’s Testimony:

Michael & Cynthia both graduated from MTI Bible College in 2007. Michael & Cynthia currently serve as the Senior Pastors of Christ Disciples Church – Baton Rouge, LA

Joe & Vanessa Tannous

Joe’s Testimony:

Joe graduated from MTI Bible College in Beirut Lebanon in 2014. Joe is now the Director of our MTI Campus in Beirut.

Ali & Angie Abed

Ali’s Testimony:

Ali graduated from MTI Bible College in 2007. Ali is the founder of Hope of Persia Ministry and is our MTI Director for the Farsi language (Iran)

Ben & Patricia Johnson

Ben’s Testimony:

Ben graduated from MTI Bible College in 2007. Ben is the founder of 10/40 Hope Ministries and has translated the whole MTI curriculum into Arabic

Josiah & Jennifer Huber

Josiah’s Testimony:

Josiah is our MTI Director for PAZ Church
Kawasaki, Japan

Pastor Nihad

Nihad’s Testimony:

Nihad is graduated from MTI in Beirut in 2014. Nihad now pastors a Kurdish speaking church in Lebanon. Nihad is also launching a satellite campus of MTI in Kurdish in March of 2023

Eric & Malana Devall

Eric’s Testimony:

Eric graduated from MTI Bible College in 2009. Eric serves currently as an Elder and the CFO of Central Church – Central, LA

Christopher Keller

Christopher’s Testimony:

Christopher graduated from MTI in 2007
Christopher is now the Prayer Coordinator for Global Altar. Christopher is also the grandson of Jim Clark, the founder of MTI
Christopher is a leader at LifeHouse Church – Reserve, LA

James Bateman

Jim’s Testimony:

Jim Graduated from MTI IN 2022
Jim is involved with prison ministry and a member of Cornerstone Church – Amite, LA

Nathan & Ginger Villa

Nathan’s Testimony:

Nathan & Ginger both graduated from MTI in 2020. They are currently serving as MTI campus directors.
They are alassociate pastors at Life Church – Jackson, MS